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Driving the evolution

Achieving the world’s first truly mainstream electric vehicle

Driving the EVolution

Our driving the EVolution report challenges industry experts to recommend the actions needed to support mainstream EV adoption

The mainstream adoption of electric vehicles (EVs) is an essential milestone on the road to electrification, but when can we expect to pass it? In 2020, our Accelerating the EVolution report examined the barriers to mainstream EV adoption and identified three key tipping points that first need to be achieved:
1.    A price point of $36,000
2.    A charging time of under 31 minutes
3.    A range of 469km

Our Driving the EVolution report includes insights from industry experts into what is needed to meet these criteria and enable the mainstream adoption of EVs.

The experts from Castrol, charging infrastructure provider bp pulse and the Jaguar TCS Racing Formula E team identified co- engineering, collaboration and consumer education as three key areas of focus.  

Achieving the mainstream adoption of electric vehicles is one of the biggest challenges our industry has ever faced. However, the technical solutions to achieving each of the three ‘tipping points’ are already there. What is needed now is a greater focus on co-engineering, collaboration and consumer education to drive uptakeMandhir SinghSenior Vice President, Castrol
As the e-mobility industry matures even marginal improvements to EV performance can play a major role in driving uptake. At Castrol, we’re committed to achieving mainstream adoption by working closely with our industry partners to utilize e-fluids to help electric vehicles go further , charge faster² and last longer³*A.S. RamchanderVice President - Global Marketing, Castrol
1 vs mass market EV factory fill fluid ² vs indirect cooled battery system ³ vs standard EV-transmission fluid *Castrol e-Fluids benefits demonstrated in bespoke testing and development

Castrol on EV fluids range