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  5. Castrol BioBar

Castrol BioBar

Environmentally acceptable hydraulic oil**, which can replace conventional mineral oils in hydraulic equipment where there is a perceived risk of egress into the marine environment

What it’s for

  • Designed to protect hydraulic systems used extensively for power transmission on vessels including cranes, winches, windlasses, lifeboat davits: flexible hoses on hydraulic equipment can be damaged, increasing the risks of leakage into the sea, especially when they’re under high pressure

Why you need it

  • To comply with the US Vessel General Permit (VGP) / Vessel Incidental Discharges Act (VIDA) legislation
  • Castrol BioBar products are committed to certified carbon neutral*** in accordance with PAS 2060 from 2021
*In accordance with PAS 2060, see www.castrol.com/cneutral for more information.
***The CO2 emissions are calculated in accordance with the Greenhouse Gas Protocol’s Product Life Cycle Standard and include life cycle emissions. The demonstration of carbon neutrality is assured by an Independent Third-Party and certified to BSI’s PAS 2060 carbon neutral specification. See www.castrol.com/cneutral for more information.


  • Approved by major original equipment manufacturers (OEMs)
  • To keep hydraulic equipment operating reliably in a wide temperature range and provide a long service life


Environmentally acceptable lubricant (EAL)**

  • Meets the definition of an EAL** under the 2018 US VIDA based on the requirements in the 2013 US VGP
  • OSPAR**** tested and registered
  • Reduced environmental impact***** when compared to conventional mineral oils

              o Superior marine biodegradation

              o Significantly reduced bioaccumulation****** and toxicity to marine organisms

              o Enhanced renewability

**A lubricant, including any oil or grease, that is ‘‘biodegradable,’’ ‘‘minimally toxic,’’ and ‘‘not bio accumulative’’ as defined by US VGP 2013.
****OSPAR – Oslo and Paris Convention for the Protection of the Marine Environment of the North-East Atlantic.
*****Source: Product Data Sheet.
******Using OSPAR criteria for assessing bioaccumulation potential.



High performance synthetic oil, tested, approved, andrecommended by major oems

  • Wide operating temperature range
  • High level of reliability
  • Proven high levels of protection for hydraulic equipment, pump and motor components
  • Greatly reduced wear

            o Minimal wear of ring and vane in Vickers PM 104C and Eaton-Vickers 35VQ25 pump tests

  • Good compatibility with standard hydraulic system components – easy conversion of existing equipment without major changes