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Castrol ON electric vehicle fluids

Switch on an electric future

EVs are the future, and we are playing a major role in helping them:


Go further1

EV Transmission Fluids help reduce energy losses in the drivetrain system and improve transmission efficiency.


Charge faster2

EV Thermal Fluids can help reduce the maximum temperatures battery cells reach during ultrafast charging. ​


Last longer3

EV Transmission Fluids help protect gears, extending drivetrain system life.

*Castrol EV Fluids benefits are demonstrated in bespoke testing and development. Go further¹, charge faster² and last longer³.
¹vs mass market EV factory fill fluids  ²vs indirect cooled battery system  ³vs standard EV transmission fluid.

Castrol electric vehicle partnerships

Find out more about who we collaborate with, to create leading EV Fluids that drive performance.

How Castrol ON products work

Want to learn more about need for EV Fluids in electric vehicles and how Castrol ON’s EV Fluids help major car manufacturers? Discover more here:

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