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Castrol BioStat: Environmentally responsible stern tube lubricant

Castrol biostat: environmentally responsible stern tube lubricant
Environmentally responsible thruster/ stern tube lubricant


Our Liquid Engineers developed the BioStat range to help reduce the environmental impact of operational discharges from stern tube and thruster seals, and maintain the equipment’s reliability.

Castrol BioStat goes through rigorous technical testing. It gives high levels of protection to bearing and gear components, particularly at high loads and low speeds, which can contribute to extended component life and increased reliability compared to conventional mineral based oils. Our Liquid Engineers have selected the esters in Castrol BioStat so you can be confident that the lifespan of elastomer components is not compromised.

By drawing on their knowledge and experience, our Liquid Engineers have developed BioStat to demonstrate superior biodegradation and enhanced renewability, as well as significantly reduced bioaccumulation* and toxicity than conventional mineral based oils. It is OSPAR registered and classified as an EAL by the US 2013 VGP.

* Using OSPAR criteria for assessing bioaccumulation potential of components.