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  5. Castrol Molub-Alloy OG 8031 reducing lubricant consumption by 50%

Stopped the build-up under the pinion with no requirement of scrapping

Castrol's Molub-Alloy OG 8031-3000 open gear compound stopped the grease build-up under the pinion thus reducing thr lubricant consumption by 50%.

  • Molub-Alloy OG 8031-3000
  • Open Gear Compound
  • Mixing & Granulation Mills
  • Reduced Lubrication by 50%


The challenge

  • Excessive grease consumption to provide adequate protection 
  • Grease build-up under the pinion and rollers
  •  Regular scrapping of used grease to stop pick-up
  • 30-minute relubrication cycle time


The solution

  • Molub-Alloy OG 8031-3000 Open Gear Compound was recommended. 
  • The high viscosity oil gel nature of the Molub-Alloy OG 8031 would provide the lubricant film required, while the used lubricant would drain and flow to the lowest point for easy collection and disposal.
  •  Pumpability through the automatic lubrication system was also reviewed due to the extremes in the temperature during the winter months. 
  • A heater was fitted to the pump to assist pumpability as the temperature dropped below 0ºC.


The business benefits

  •  The gel technology stopped the build-up under the pinion and rollers. No scrapping was required.
  • Molub-Alloy OG 8031 is self-draining and collectable for disposal.
  • Relubrication cycle time increased up to 60 Minutes.
  • Lubricant consumption was reduced by 50%.


Castrol Molub-Alloy OG 8031 advantages

  • Formation of a protective layer
  •  Compression of the protective layer
  • Micro-smoothing MFT-PD particles migrate into the metal