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Chain lubrication - why is it so important?

The problem with most chains used in the industry is that they have inconvenient, short lives. Hence it becomes necessary to recognize the importance of chain lubrication of conveyor chains.

The problem with most chains used in the industry is that they have inconvenient, short lives. As a result, it causes operators to do away with chains altogether, replacing them with belts. Chain lubrication - Why Is it So Important?


However, in most cases, the problem lies not with the chains but in their maintenance.


Industrial chains suffer from impossible workloads because they work across many shifts. Hence, proper lubrication at the right time is essential. If not done, it could lead to machine failure.


It is necessary to recognize the importance of chain lubrication of conveyor chains. Nowadays, it is becoming more and more common that standard conveyor chains are being used in relatively harsh conditions. 


5 Reasons to ensure optimal chain lubrication


1. Extends the life of the chain


It is a fact that metal on metal causes friction, which is the main problem affecting chains. Lubrication prevents the rubbing of rollers and plates with each other. Without proper lubrication, the chain will quickly run through its lifespan. Regular maintenance of the chain is essential and can extend the life of the chain by almost two to four times, thus saving money.Chain lubrication is an absolute must to enhance efficiency and ensure that the chains last longer. Therefore, it is also essential to make the right choice for lubricants because the life of the machine might depend on the choice you make. Castrol has a whole range for you to choose from, depending on your requirements.


2. Protects from environmental conditions


Most manufacturers confirm that lubricants provide protection from corrosion and don't attract any abrasive contaminants. Proper chain lubrication is important for maximum life. The correct lubricant can also reduce noise levels and energy consumption. Insufficient lubrication is detrimental to chain life, causing excessive wear, noise, and vibration. Material handling poses many challenges to environmental sustainability. Furthermore, if you consider energy consumption, lubricant usage, waste disposal, and sometimes water-related issues, green managers would look for better alternatives and lubricants. 


Additionally, since no water is required for chain lubrication, concerns over handling and reprocessing wastewater are eliminated, thus helping environmental sustenance. 


3. Reduces noise from the chain and downtime


A diagnostic sign of a dry chain is its noise, with the sound becoming louder as the days go. Some chain lubricants start squeaking after drying out. The chain should be cleaned and lubricated for the sound to vanish. It becomes less clunky and easier to operate. Keeping the chain clean also means less downtime of the machine because maintenance is quicker than repair. The lubricant needs to be engineered, to penetrate and clean the inside of the chain. As a result, it removes contaminants and displaces any trapped water in it, and helps in reducing the downtime. 


4. Slows down wear and tear


Chain lubrication's primary function is to slow the wear between the pins and bushings in the joints, flush out all the debris and foreign materials, and smoothen the chain’s engagement with the sprocket. Additionally, and significantly, to inhibit rust and corrosion, lubrication is necessary. It also cushions the forces of impact.  


Dry chain wears a lot quicker. With lubricants, the grease successfully counteracts rollers and plates' scouring between one another must remember that erosion happens between the chain and tape, wrench rings, racer wheels, etc. The chain thus needs to be kept clean and well oiled using industrial oils.


5. Saves energy


When the chains are dry, the friction causes the chains to work much harder than usual. As a result, it increases the power consumption, and there is a temperature rise, which is harmful to the machine and the environment.


When adequately lubricated, the energy consumption reduces drastically, depending on the brand. Using a good brand of industrial lubricant is key to keeping the machinery performing smoothly. Castrol is undoubtedly the best choice you have in the market, with its wide range for all types of machinery and conditions. Lubrication on time results in immediate improvements in sustainability and efficiency. It reduces water usage as well as cleaning expenses. It ultimately leads to a more hygienic environment. 


As established, lubrication is necessary to enhance the productivity of your operations significantly. It also improves the safety of the machine. Be sure to use the best lubricants in the market, which will ensure the machinery performs smoothly. The Viscogen series by Castrol is a proven performer in the chain lubrication segment.Choosing a brand that can provide you with the whole range of lubricants is a wise thing to do. Good knowledge about the oil to be used is essential, and Castrol must be your first thought. With our exclusive range of chain oils specially designed for all application requirements, you will boost the efficiency of your machining processes.